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Why I Started


One Spring morning in 2017 I woke up and as I got ready to take my kids into school, and then make my way into the office in time to make an 8:30 a.m. conference call to discuss the 3rd & 4th Quarter Budgets, I realized that I could not do it anymore.  By “it” I mean the predictable routine of arguing to the same people whom I talk with multiple times a day, every day and who know the business, as well as I, why my team’s sales budget as presented is unreasonable.  It was a conversation we have every quarter and at the beginning and middle of every fiscal year.  Today, however, I looked in the mirror and the realization hit me that I did not care about this pending argument, and I always liked to debate and to make my case.  I had just burned out. 


My Story

I took some time off to spend with my Autistic son who was struggling in school, to help him adapt to a new school and a new situation.  After three weeks of working with him it came time for me to return to the office and my team.  The new realization hit me that I did not want to go back – that I was done. And, as I spent time in my son’s school with him and others in his class, I found real satisfaction in helping others.  Later, when I became a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for children in foster care, I came to find out that I really enjoyed working, not just with the children, but with the foster parents and helping them with the emotional and physical resources they needed.  I made efforts to return to my old life on several occasions, but I could not deny the immutable fact that my heart wasn’t in it.  I was done with that life.

This led me to wonder how to best leverage the 25 years of business experience and knowledge I possess and combine that with the desire to help others.  I worked with several colleagues who were also going through downsizing and burnout. I met with them regularly, using my experience to identify with their situations helping them realize their own strengths and obtain new roles.  When they all said that I sounded like a Life Coach it was obvious this was the birth of my move to coaching. Specifically, to coach people who have or are experiencing burnout, stress, or are going through downsizing, career change, or retirement; as well as to leverage the experience I have had in building and developing teams to help transform your business team into a high performer by helping the group identify its areas of weakness, its areas of strength, and how to best utilize both to become a successful team.

Coaching Programs

The world has an endless supply of books, gurus, and programs all too willing to tell you what is wrong with you and to sell you products on how to fix you so that you have THAT job, THAT look, THAT lifestyle. 


The principle assumption behind these products is the presumption that you have been so worn down  by media demands of what should make you happy that you and the lifestyle they think you should be living that you can physically change yourself to fit into their mold.


Allow me to say that you don't need fixing, rather some help in recognizing your unique traits and help you appreciate your own talents that have become clouded by external expectations.

Personal Coaching

Improve your Personal Life

You are stuck in a rut. You don't know how you got there but slowly your life has become a singular routine which is dictated by what others expect from you. You no longer do things for you as your life belongs to others and when you have some free time, you spend it in front of the TV because you don't know what to do.  Something has to change. You know it. 

We will work 1 on 1 on you and slowly identify those traits and characteristics that make you, you. We will work to help you find your center and to reclaim your joy.


Initial Session: Free

Session Fees: $50 - $200

Business Coaching

Find Joy in your Work

I spent 25 years surviving and thriving in Corporate America. I have managed businesses and teams in Sales, Supply, and Operations.  I have experienced firsthand the demands, the politics, and the turf wars. I have also experienced the ever-encroaching demands of business as it leeches into your personal time - how traveling for business used to be the opportunity to  disconnect for a few hours but now it's about how many calls and emails you aren't responding to.

To survive in this environment requires a strong constitution. To thrive in this environment requires taking care of yourself, confidence in yourself, and being a part of a strong team.

I work with the individual as well as the team to identify areas of strength, areas of weakness, opportunities for self-care that allow you to rediscover your passion and make your work fun again.


Session Fees:

$1500/team member


Success Stories

Success Stories coming soon!

Heffner Life Coaching


Start your journey to joy and purpose today!

Helping clients all over the world.


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